Hear more about Ascend on our podcast!
Breaking Ground – Ascend on 75

by Jenna Herrick | Apr 7, 2021
Hear more about Ascend on our podcast!
In my job, I am constantly working with numbers, so the only way I can keep my head straight is with my calculator!
I do nearly my entire job through the computer, whether it be through Excel or Email. It’s a must have either out in the field or at the office.
I love to listen to music and the occasional podcast while I am at work. They help me to focus and drown out any excess noise to really zone in.
For both work and personal items, I have to use my notebook to keep myself organized throughout the day. I’m pretty detail oriented, so whether it’s a development meeting onsite or a team meeting in the office, I’m always taking notes.
I originally went to college to study Architecture and Design. I quickly realized that the long studio hours were not for me so I changed my major to Construction Science and Management. I have worked in construction management and development for the past 15 years and look forward to many, many more. I truly love what I do!
I am incredibly passionate about heath, wellness, and building my immune system naturally. Subsequently, you can always count on finding Thorne supplements in my bag. My husband works for the company and I love being able to support the company while receiving high quality supplementation myself. It’s a win-win!
I’m determined to reduce my carbon footprint by cutting back on single use plastics. I’m definitely not perfect but I’ve stopped using plastic bags, water bottles and to-go containers. Every little bit helps!
If you know me, you know I’m constantly eating. I always pack snacks because hangry is not a good look on me. I try to eat as healthy as possible so apples, nuts and dark chocolate are my staples.
I always have my notebook with me to help keep myself organized and prepared for any and all meetings. I’m also extremely visual, and writing things out with pen and paper is always my preferred method!
My frisbee disk helps to keep my inertia at bay, whether I need a quick recharge during a break at work or I wake up early on a Saturday and play a round with my son.
I have two complete furball pups with a high need for human affection. They’re also regular passengers in my car. Because of this, a lint roller is vital to keeping their ever-present shedding off my clothes so that they can always be with me in spirit, not dog hair.
I make a constant effort to stay hydrated at work and, well, everywhere. I try to eliminate the need to use/buy plastic bottles, so my thermos is a staple in my bag.
I never go anywhere without my portfolio. It helps me stay organized and is a great place to keep project notes and any paper work I may need on the spot.
Growing up with a construction background, it’s become a habit to carry my vest with me. There’s always a chance that a job-site will require it. Plus, it helps my APOGEE team mates keep track of me!
I grew up in Indiana, and attended Indiana State University where I earned my Bachelor of Science (BS) in Business Administration and a Minor in Finance. Go State!
Being in construction, you always wanted to keep your tape measure close by. It’s probably my most used accessory, and being on-site, you never one to be the one that’s caught without it.
I am out of the office on job sites quite frequently and the apps I use on my phone are as diverse as my educational background. I use the calculator app frequently paired with my Accounting degree from Iowa State and use the notes and emails app paired with my ability to multitask and lead with knowledge gained from getting my MBA from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Design is a passion of mine and the photo app helps me ensure everything is looking and feeling the way it should.
We have a ton of remodel and design projects going on so this is a must. I bought a smaller, lighter version so it is easy to carry with me everywhere.
Brock, my adorable baby boy, loves his paci so I keep one in every bag. This one happens to be Chiefs which is my husband Clarke and my favorite team. We go to at least one home game a year and hope to attend some away games as a family when Brock gets older.
Both for me and my maltipoo Barkley. We are constantly on the go, so having something healthy in my purse is a must. The term “hangry” is a very real thing for me.
I earned my degree in HVAC technology and I’m a licensed general contractor in multiple states. While my job is mainly management and supervisory, I always like to be prepared to jump in and lend a hand so it’s good to be prepared.
My work is literally fueled by caffeine. Whether I’m at my desk, on the road or on a job site, I always have a cup of coffee (or two) in my hand. If you can’t find me, follow the smell of the piping hot cup. There’s a reason they call it a “cup of Joe”.
In my role at Apogee, I spend a lot of my time on planes traveling to all of our properties for construction oversight. While the destination may change from week to week, you can almost always find a plane ticket in my bag.
My wife and I have two indoor cats and have started caring for four strays (that we call our “barn cats”). This care includes trips to our vet to make sure they’re healthy. Our home has accidentally become Omaha’s premier cat shelter.
Jeffry is a stress ball shaped like my college mascot (Go Mavericks). I got him at my first University of Nebraska Omaha open house and he's been my lucky charm ever since. He usually sits on my desk and keeps me from spontaneously combusting when I can't find a file I need, but sometimes he comes with me to shoots to help out.
My laptop has my life on it and I take it with me pretty much everywhere. From college papers to Apogee projects, if it's important it’s probably on my laptop. It has served me well for years and still works hard, chewing though complex VFX renderings, keeping a gazillion Chrome tabs open, and connecting with the Apogee database all while streaming music in the background.
I focus very heavily on video in my role as a marketing intern so it’s fairly important that I carry a camera with me. The Sony Alpha 6000 that I use works great for everything from one on one interviews to featuring the beautiful finishes of a rental property.
You never want to get to a location only to realize that your SD card is having issues. Working in live production during my high school days taught me to always be prepared for everything to go wrong, because at some point it probably will. Hence the extra card that is always in my bag.
I got my degree in Advertising/PR and immediately got a job at a creative agency in Omaha. Though my first love was (and remains) graphic design, I’m also addicted to the strategic and planning elements of marketing as well. Lucky for me, I’m able to exercise both at Apogee.
My dogs are my children. Everyone thinks they’re twins, but I actually got them at totally separate times from two completely different places. Arlo is anxious, Daisy’s relaxed. However, they’re equally dedicated to making my house as crazy and full of love as possible.
I spend a lot of my time looking at a computer screen, whether I’m designing a logo for a property or putting together a brand launch calendar. I’ve also learned in recent years that 20/20 vision isn’t permanent (thanks a lot, genetics). So, you’ll rarely catch me without these in my bag.
I graduated from UNL in 2014, but my love for Husker football goes back to, well, before I was born. Everyone in my family is a huge Husker fan, and we tailgate for every home game. If I could get married at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, I would.